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Token economics


Total supply

$ 1,200,000

Fully Dilluted Valuation

4% - 30,000,000

Marketing partners & KOLs

31% - 320,000,000



Initial circulating supply

$ 196,000

Initial Market Cap

25% - 300,000,000

DAO Maker sale

40% - 400,000,000


How does it work?

  • 1. Swap or transact tokens to participate in the lottery.
  • 2. Each transaction burns 1% & sends 1% to the lottery pot.
  • 3. Each week 10 wallets will win the lottery.
  • 4. You earn 1 ticket for every token that you burn.


  • How can I join the lottery?

    Everyone automatically joins the weekly lottery by making any on-chain transaction that week.

  • What are the transaction fees?

    1% of tokens are getting burned. 1% of tokens go to the weekly lottery pot.

  • How can I participate in the MTG Airdrop?

    Anyone can participate for free in the $MTG token airdrop, head to this link and perform various tasks that will boost your score. Read Detailed Airdrop Article: detailed article.

  • How can I boost my lottery-winning chances?

    You can improve your chances by making more transactions. Therefore burning more tokens and boosting your chances of winning the tokens from the weekly lottery pot.

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